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Citizen's Charter

The Citizen's Charter is an official document that reflects the services of a government agency/office including its requirements, fees and processing times among others.

Do you have price list of different calibration services?
Yes, RSTL Service Fees can actually be accessed through the Citizen's Charter posted via DOST VI website. But, here's the list for ready access. Download Here
What is your schedule for onsite calibrations?
Onsite calibration is subject to approval upon request.
What services is available for calibration?
Mass (Spring Scales, Mechanical and Electronic Platforms, Truck Scales and Mass Standrds) and Volume (Calibrating Buckets, Road and Trailer Tankers)
How many days can we get our calibration report/results after we submit the samples for calibration?
Releasing of calibration report/results for Mass and Volume is 15 working days from the date of calibration.
Is the onsite calibration has any other fee's aside from the sample fee?
Yes, the onsite fee is based on the distance of client location from the laboratory.
Can we submit the samples to calibrate in any day?
Submission of samples is Monday to Friday
What types of tests are being offered under Microbiological Testing Services?
Among the available tests are: aerobic plate count, mold&yeast count, coliform, E. coli, and test for Salmonella in pre-packaged processed food products, as required by the FDA for registration; potability tests required by DOH standards for drinking water; environmental swabs. Please see full list of services for more testing options.
I have a sample for analysis. Can I submit it to the lab right away?
No. Please coordinate with the RSTL staff for scheduling of sample submission. Refer to our contact details. We will be happy to assist you in booking a schedule for analysis.
I already obtained a schedule, how do I prepare my sample for submission to the lab?
Although the RSTL staff may have already given you instructions, please remember the following: for food samples, this should be placed in sterile or packaging as inteded for sale and weigh at least 200 g; for water samples, this should be collected in a sterile bottle with a volume of at least 200 mL; for swab samples, the rinse solution should be in a sterile test tube and well-sealed to prevent leakage of contents. Please refer to the following links for specific guides in sample collection and transport to the lab for food, water and environmental swabs.
Where will I get a sterile bottle or swab kit for sample collection?
You may provide your own, but the laboratory also provides these at no additional cost when you schedule your samples for analysis.
What are the parameters that I need to get tested for regulatory compliance?
Please read the FDA Guidelines for Microbiological Quality of Processed Foods and the DOH Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water to find out about the suitable tests for your sample type.
What types of samples are accepted for Chemical Testing Services?
The samples that we accept for analysis are water, wastewater, food products, alcoholic drinks, beverages, fats, oils, sugars, syrups, feeds, salt,limestone, fertilizer, and soil.
What types of tests are being offered under Chemical Testing Services?
Among the available tests are: proximate and nutrition facts analysis for pre-packaged processed food products as required by the FDA for registration; minerals (such as sodium and potassium) in food; parameters required by DOH standards for drinking water. Please see full list of services in the link provided for more testing options.
I have a sample for analysis. Can I submit it to the lab right away?
No. Please coordinate with the RSTL staff for scheduling of sample submission. Refer to our contact details in the link provided. We will be happy to assist you in booking a schedule for analysis.
I already obtained a schedule, how do I prepare my sample for submission to the lab??
Although the RSTL staff may have already given you instructions, please remember the following: for food samples, they should be at least 250 g and in original packaging if intended for sale; for water samples, they should be at least 2 Liters in volume. Please take note of the specifics as advised by the analyst or laboratory staff, since sample requirements may vary depending on the type of test.
Do I need to place my water sample in a sterile bottle?
No. Chemical testing does not require the use of sterile bottles. You may use regular PET bottles like those for distilled water.
What are the test parameters required by the FDA for a particular sample?
If you are unsure of what you need to get tested, please refer to the link to FDA Guidelines for product registration and test parameters based on Philippine National Standards for drinking water.
What are the kinds of lab test available?
The Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) of the DOST Region VI is composed of Microbiological Testing Laboratory (MTL), Chemical Testing Laboratory (CTL) and Metrology Laboratory (MTRL). It provides laboratory testing and calibration services to industries, academe, local government units, private institutions and individuals. Just this year, DOST VI RSTL offered Shelf-Life Testing Services and Borax.
How much is the lab test?
RSTL fees vary per sample type per test service or parameter. Please refer to the list of RSTL Services, Fees, Requirements and Turnaround Time. Whereas for the newly offered shelf-life testing services, the cost will be Php 20,000.00 subject to a 20% discount until the end of 2021 and Borax via Qualitative Method at Php 500.00 fee.
What are the requirements to avail of lab test?
Requirements vary per sample type per test service or parameter. Please refer to the list of RSTL Services, Fees, Requirements and Turnaround Time.
Is there any schedule to avail laboratory services?
Monday - Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Sample Acceptance for Testing Services) Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Sample Acceptance for Calibration Services) Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Releasing of Report of Analysis/Calibration Certificate)
Do I need to pay upon submission of samples? Or after test results are out?
Upon submission of samples, laboratory personnel responsible still has to evaluate service requirements, determine the validity, if valid, will encode in the system and print Test Service Request Form (TSRF). TSRF is needed to pay test fees. Both TSRF and Official Receipt will be presented to receive original test report or calibration certificate.
Is it possible for me to get a quotation for my required analyses?
Yes, you may contact us through our mobile or email to request for a quotation.
Can private individuals use the facilities in the lab?
Individuals may submit a formal request to use laboratory facilities addressed to the Regional Director, subject to assessment by the concerned personnel and the Laboratory Head.
Are there consultancy services offered for research related inquiries?
The RSTL does not officially offer consultancy services, but we entertain inquiries on research related to laboratory activities and scope.
Where to follow up for results?
Regional Offices and SEI official website (sei.dost.gov.ph)
What are the requirements to apply for the scholarship?
Requirements changes every year depending on the set criteria by SEI (please refer to the application form once available) but General Requirements can be checked in this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11hVDfufY61N9Efyp5ZTgVAtg6cwkB0QT/view?usp=sharing
What are the courses available for S&T Undergraduate scholarship grant?
Why our allowance is not yet deposited in our account?
Processing of Financial assistance is 20 working days upon receipt of complete semestral requirements and if the funds are available.Allowance not process might be due to incomplete requirements submitted, incurred academic deficiency
What are the DOST Undergraduate Scholarships implemented in the region?
(1) RA 7687 Scholarship (RA 7687) Program (2) DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program (3) Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) under RA 10612 Program
Will the DOST-SEI support my studies until I graduate from my chosen degree course?
For as long as you comply with the scholarship policies and meet the grade requirements, the DOST-SEI will support your studies until the completion of your chosen degree course, depending on the period as stated in your approved Program of Study (POS); that is, full four or five years for 4- or 5-year degree courses, respectively, except for degree courses whose support duration has been indicated in our announcement materials i.e, 4 yrs only for Applied Mathematics major in Mathematical Finance, etc.
I got accepted in a straight BS-MS degree course. Will the scholarship cover until the completion of my degree?
The scholarship will only cover until the completion of your BS degree. You will have to shoulder the expenses after your BS degree to complete your MS degree
I got accepted in a straight BS-MS degree course. Will the scholarship cover until the completion of my degree?
Unfortunately, you cannot avail the scholarship award if you fail to seek enrollment in an approved degree course and university.
I was born in the Philippines of a Filipino mother and a foreign father. Am I considered as a dual citizen?
Not all countries allow dual citizenship. Kindly check with the countries you are seeking citizenship whether you are also considered a citizen in that foreign country.
I am a natural-born Filipino with dual citizenship, what documents should I submit to be able to enjoy the scholarship?
A letter issued by the Bureau of Immigration in Manila, Philippines or from the Philippine consulate abroad, showing proof of compliance under Republic Act No. 9225, the “Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003,” otherwise known as the “Dual Citizenship Law.” the parent has applied for Recognition as a Filipino citizen at the Philippine Embassy/Consulate abroad.
Can I avail of other scholarship administered by other national government agencies simultaneous with the DOST-SEI scholarship?
No, you have to choose between the DOST-SEI scholarship and the other government- sponsored scholarship. You cannot receive financial assistance with the same nature and the same source of fund.
Can I avail scholarship sponsored by Local Government Units?
Yes, but make sure that the terms of the scholarship are not in conflict with any of the provisions stated in the DOST-SEI scholarship agreement.
I am also a University scholar and I am entitled to free tuition and other school fees. Can I still avail the P40,000.00/AY tuition fee privilege?
You can no longer avail of the tuition fee privilege as the University will not bill SEI anymore.
What is SETUP?
Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) is a nationwide strategy of the Department of Science and Technology to address the needs and requirements of the enterprises through technology and equipment upgrading, strengthening of innovation capability, increasing productivity, and producing quality products to contribute in the attainment of sustainable and inclusive growth in the countryside. The program continues to seek the improvement of existing products, services, and operations; increase productivity and competitiveness; and more importantly, enable MSMEs to develop new products and establish of sustain market niches.
What are the programs and services offered by DOST VI?
The main services offered by DOST VI are: Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Technical and Consultancy Services, Regional Standards and Testing Labooratories, R&D Management, S&T Human Resource Development, and S&T Promotion.
What is the difference between SETUP iFund and GIA?
SETUP iFund is a major technology transfer and commercialization program which provides assistance for the upgrading of existing production facilities of existing MSMEs/Organizations as well as acquisition of other critical requirements in the production line. The Grants-in-Aid Program, on the other hand, is a funding assistance given to government or private entities for the implementation of programs and projects aligned in the current DOST priorities. For SETUP iFund, assistance is paid back by the beneficiary for three years without interest while GIA funding are grants.
What is the Balik Scientist Program?
The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) of the Department of Science and Technoloogy (DOST) was conceived in order to help curb brain drain in the country by encouraging highly-trained overseas Filipino scientists and technologists, experts, and professionals to return to the Philippines and share their expertise for the acceleration of scientific, agro-industrial and economic development of the country. In June 15, 2018, the program was institutionalized with RA 11035 'Balik Scientist Act'.
Who are Balik Scientists?
Balik Scientists are science and technology experts, and new graduates of doctoral degree, who are Filipino descents, residing abroad and contracted by the Philippine Government to return and work in the country along his/her field of expertise. They work through a local Host Institution to address an urgent and serious research gap in the country's Research and Development (R&D) Agenda. The Balik Scientist Applicant must: (1) Be a foreign-based indiviual of Filipino origin or descent; (2) Be in good health; (3) Be a holder of a medical and/or graduate degree; (4) have practiced his/her profession and have a considerable experience in R&D; and (5) Have made an outstanding contribution in his/her field of specialization .
How to apply for the Balik Scientist Program?
Submit application and documentary requirements to Balik Scientist Program Secretariat. You may visit https://bsp.dost.gov.ph/ for the details.
What is Enhanced Nutribun?
The Enhanced Nutribun is one of the DOST-FNRI's answers to the call of the Department of Social Welfare and Development's (DSWD) Memorandum Circular No. 12 Series of 2020, or the Guidelines in the Implementation of the Supplementary Feeding Program During Community Quarantine or Other Similar Emergencies. The Enhanced Nutribun has more micronutrients like iron and vitamin A compared to the nutribun bread in the 70s. Each serving of Enhanced Nutribun weighing 160-165 grams per piece, has 504 calories, 17.8 grams protein, 6.08 milligrams iron and 244 micrograms vitamin A.
How to adopt the Enhanced Nutribun technology?
Submit a formal letter of intent addressed to: IMELDA ANGELES-AGDEPPA, Ph.D. Director IV and Scientist II DOST - FNRI Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City And submit letter to the nearest DOST Provincial Office for endorsement.
What is the iFWD PH Program?
iFWD PH's objective is to provide opportunities for the OFWs and their families to establish technology-based enterprises. The project has two phases: 1) Capacity Building, and 2) Innovation Funding for the establishment of an enterprise. For more information, visit: https://ifwdph.dost.gov.ph/
What assistance can DOST provide to researchers?
DOST provides the following assistance to researchers: 1. Capacity-building activities such as trainings, seminars, conferences, fora 2. R&D Grant for small researchers You may contact Ms. Keithlyn Sarah Bernardino at (033) 320 0907 loc 103 or [email protected]
What assistance can DOST provide to inventors?
DOST provides assistance on IP applications for DOST-funded researches. For more information, you may contact Ms. Keithlyn Sarah Bernardino at (033) 320 0907 loc 103 or [email protected]
What is the process for adopting a DOST-developed technology? Who do we contact?
To adopt a DOST-developed technology, submit a letter of intent to the technology generator. The requesting party will be provided with a list of documents to be submitted. A consultative meeting will take place on the agreed date and venue wherein basic information on the technology, Terms of Reference and a draft of Technology Licensing Agreement (TLA) will be discussed. The technology generator will evaluate the submitted documents and decides if the client complies with the minimum requirement needed for the commercialization, the TLA and technology transfer arrangement are finalized. Finally, the Technology Licensing Agreement will be signed by both parties and the requesting party implements the project: training, test-run, set-up processing plant and other details that are stipulated in the TLA. For more information, you may contact the Technology Transfer Unit at (033) 320 0907 loc 103 or email us at [email protected].
What are the terms of payment for the financial assistance?
Refund of project funds shall commence 1 year or 12 months after the release of fund. Refund shall be for a period of three (3) to five (5) years depending on the nature of the project and financial capacity of the cooperator
What is the maximum amount to avail?
The maximum amount can avail is Php 3,000,000.00 for the Regional level approval. Above Php 3,000,000.00 it will be forwarded for evaluation and approval to the central office.
What are the requirements for application?
Please refer to the checklist of requirements https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ts2slRat8PwkTFfOIfjYmYyNmmrzOJwK/view?usp=sharing
What are the sectors do you cater for iFund?
Processed Food, Aquatic and Marine, Furniture, Natural Fibers, GHD, Metals and Engineering, Health and Wellness products, ICT
Can a start-up company apply for iFund?
Enterprises applying for iFund should be established already for 3 years
How many times can i apply for SETUP iFund?
Applicant may avail of the iFund for a maximum of two (2) times subject to the evaluation and recommendation of the RPMO. Succeeding request for availment, if any, shall be considered if it is under SETUP 4.0 technology
How many years of past financial statement needed?
The required financial statement for micro enterprises is past 1 year and for small and medium enterprises is past 3 years
What is the payment schedule or arrangement to the supplier?
Option 1: 50% downpayment in the form of Manager's check; 50% fullpayment upon delivery and inspection of equipment on site Option 2: 100% (full) payment upon delivery and after inspection of equipment on customer's plant site
Can we get imported equipment?
Yes, as long as the supplier has a local distributor in the Philippines or supplier's official receipt is validated by COA
What are the equipment the client can avail?
The budget for iFund shall cover S&T interventions and/or technologies that: a. Improve product quality, production processes and production efficiency such as mechanization, automation, among other; b. Enable industry associations and enterprises to comply with regulatory and market requirements including adoption and environment-friendly technologies; c. Commercialize DOST-developed technologies; d. Provide packaging solutions including execution of DOST-developed package/label design at approprriate volume; e. Shop-floor reaserch and development; and f. Employ ICT-based technologies needed to improve/enhance firm operations and production processes
What are the equipment the client can avail?
The budget for iFund shall cover S&T interventions and/or technologies that: a. Improve product quality, production processes and production efficiency such as mechanization, automation, among other; b. Enable industry associations and enterprises to comply with regulatory and market requirements including adoption and environment-friendly technologies; c. Commercialize DOST-developed technologies; d. Provide packaging solutions including execution of DOST-developed package/label design at approprriate volume; e. Shop-floor reaserch and development; and f. Employ ICT-based technologies needed to improve/enhance firm operations and production processes
What is iFUND?
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) financial assistance through its Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program Innovation-Enabling Fund (SETUP iFUND) is one of the cornerstones of DOST's major program for assisting MSMEs. The financial assistance is not a grant but it is given as a technology transfer support mechanism to MSMEs where they will refund back to the government the amount given to them. *Acquisition of tools, equipment and other appropriate production facilities for commercializing new products, upgrading existing products and processes or complying to regulatory and market requirements *Other investments needed to comply with regulatory and market standards e.g. improved product packaging, laboratory analyses, certification expenses, etc. *Technology licensing fees and related costs *Product development costs **The iFund is one of the services provided under SETUP which intends to enable qualified industry associations and enterprises to gain access to appropriate technology, innovations and technical assistance to improve production efficiency, product quality and competitiveness.
Who may Apply for iFUND?
*Enterprise or industry association based in the Philippines, wholly owned by Filipino citizens and willing to apply innovations to improve existing products, services and/or operations. *Any government entity (including state universities and colleges) operating business-like projects/activities for entrepreneurs/ graduates of entrepreneurship. *Applicant with no previous accountabilities with DOST.
How to Apply for iFUND?
Interested customer/s may send a letter of interest to avail of the SETUP iFUND together with the requirements to PSTC or Regional Office.
What are the requirements to be submitted by applicants?
*Letter of Intent that should state the company's interest to avail and commitment to refund the iFund support and cover the insurance for the acquired equipment (1 original) *Comprehensive Proposal following DOST's prescribed format (1 original) *Updated Mayor's Permit and licenses and official receipt (1 photocopy) **For NGOs/POs: Latest Articles of Incorporation, or the Articles of Cooperation, showing the original incorporators/organizers and the Secretary's certificate for incumbent officers, together with the Certificate of Filing (1 Authenticated copy) *Company's/institution's official receipt/sales invoice (1 photocopy) **(For Corporation/Cooperative/SUCs: Board of Directors | For LGUs: Sangguniang Panlalawigan/ Panlungsod) Board/Legislative Council Resolution authorizing the availment of the assistance and designating authorized signatories for the funding assistance (1 photocopy) *In-House Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Statement) with notarized Sworn Statement that all information provided are correct and true (1 original) a. Small and Medium Enterprises - past three years b. Micro-enterprises - at least one year *Sworn affidavit that none of the incorporators/officials or applicant is related to the approving authority (Regional Director) up to the third degree of consanguinity and affinity and that the proponent has no bad debt (1 original) *Complete technical specifications of equipment to be purchased and design/drawing of equipment to be fabricated, as determined in the TNA Report (1 original) *Three (3) quotations from suppliers/fabricators for each equipment to be purchased/fabricated (1 original per quotation) *Co-maker *Additional requirements for NGOs/POs: a. Disclosure by the NGO/PO of other related business, if any and extent of ownership therein b. Work and Financial Plan (WFP) & Sources & Details of Proponents Equity Participation in the Project c. List and/or photographs of similar projects previously completed by the NGO/PO, if any, indicating the source of funds for their implementation.
What are the Priority Sectors?
1. Food processing 2. Furniture 3. Gifts and holiday decors (GHD)/handicrafts 4. Horticulture 5. Aquaculture 6. Metals and engineering 7. Health products 8. ICT
Steps in Project Approval/Availing iFUND?
For Applicants: 1. Submit project proposal with complete requirements to PSTC 2. Present the proposed project to the evaluators 3. Revise and submit project proposal, if applicable 4. Sign MOA and Project Risk Assessment and submit Authorization to Tag Account, Letter of Introduction from Bank, Photocopy of Bank account, Pre-Implementation PIS, existing plant layout and pictures of production area, applicable PDCs. 5. Submit notarized acknowledgement receipt. *note: please see operational procedure below For DOST Staff: 1. Receive project proposal with complete attachments. Endorse the project proposal for evaluation 2. Technical evaluation. Review and technical evaluation. 3. Receive revised proposal, if applicable. Review and recommendation of revised project proposal (RTEC Executive Report). Disapproval/ Approval of the project 4. Process MOA. Fund Release. Process DV 5. Receive notarized acknowledgement receipt.
What are the other Additional Requirements for Approved Projects?
1. Tagged bank account (preferably with Land Bank of the Philippines) 2. Post-Dated Checks for the repayment 3. Irrevocable Purchase Order issued to supplier of equipment
What is RTEC?
Review and Technical Evaluation Committee - composed of a minimum of four experts who may come from the business/industry, academe, non-DOST government agency, and DOST RDIs/Service Institutes established in each region
What is GIA Program?
The Grants-in-Aid Program is a funding assistance for the implementation of programs and projects aligned with the current DOST priorities and thrusts and supports S&T activities classified in the General Appropriations Act.
What are the requirements to avail the GIA program?
Refer to DOST VI Office Order 01 series of 2021 - DOST VI GIA Guidelines, Annex D.
Who can avail of this program?
Government or private entities that is Filipino-owned and are able to comply with the requirements of the GIA Program.
Do I need to repay the fund assistance under GIA/CEST?
No. Fund assistance under GIA/CEST Programs is given as a grant. These programs do not require repayment.
How can I avail of the GIA Program?
You may visit or contact any of our Provincial S&T Centers near you. They can discuss to you in detail the program requirements and processing. These requirements should be complied with to avail of the program. You may refer to the DOST VI Office Order 01 series of 2021 - DOST VI GIA Guidelines, Annex D.
How long is the processing time if i apply?
Kindly give us 40 working days (WD) from receipt of your complete requirements to process. Kindly refer to the DOST VI citizen's charter accessible at the DOST VI website for a step-by-step process flow.
What is CEST Program?
The Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Program is a package of S&T interventions that targets to provide assistance to the 'poorest of the poor' communites, the Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA), marginalized sectors and communities in conflict among others. The CEST Program has 5 entry points.
What are the 5 entry points/components of CEST?
The entry points/components of CEST are: -Livelihood/ Economic Enteprise Development -Health and Nutrition -Human Resource Development -Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation -Environmental Protection and Conservation
What are the possible interventions per component?
For the livelihood component, interventions may include the provision of S&T equipment, capability building activities and technical trainings. For health and nutrition, interventions may include the piloting of DOST technologies related to health and nutrition such as the FNRI-developed complementary food and Ceramic water filter and conduct of trainings on meal planning, among others. This utilizes scientific gathering and analysis of results to assess impact of introduced interventions. For Human Resource Development, aims to stir the interest of students in science and technology. This includes the provision of STARBOOKS, a digital library developed by DOST STII that contains thousand of scientific references and materials. Likewise, it involves he conduct of review classes to prepare students for the DOST scholarship examination. For Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, interventions include the provision of weather monitoring tools, equipment and technologies that help in the prevention and mitigation of disasters. For Environmental Protection and Conservation, this involves the provision of technologies that are sustainable and environment-friendly such as the bioreactor. This can also include capability building activities that will raise awareness on the importance of conservation of protection of the environment.
What are the different consultancy program available?
(1) Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX) (2) Consultancy for Agricultural Productivity Enhancement (CAPE) (3) Cleaner Production (CP) (4) Energy Audit (5) Food Safety (FS) (6) Packaging and Labeling Assistance Program (7) Technology Training Programs Upgraded Consultancy Programs: (1) Product & Process Development (2) Food Safety (3) Machinery & Equipment Management (4) Environmental Management (5) Energy Management (6) Productivity Improvement (7) Quality Management & Business Continuity (8) Agricultural Productivity
How can we avail these consultancy programs?
Availment of the program could be from the firm itself or through recommendations from other clients or PSTCs then subject for assessment.
What are the requirements?
The requirements for the service is the Pre-qualification form, then STS staff will assess the firm.
Are these consultancy programs are for free?
Yes, consultancy services are free.
How long is the duration of the entire consultancy service?
The usual duration of the consultancy service will last up to a maximum of 6 months, but can end earlier depending on the pace of assessment and report evaluation.
What are the benefits of availing the consultancy service?
The benefits of availing the consultancy services is that it can improve the productivity of your business/firm, ensure safety of the food being manufactured and having propoer energy efficiency practices.
What trainings are available?
Trainings available are Food Safety Training, cGMP, Packaging and Labeling. For some requests we will need to outsource our resource person/speaker or collaborate with other agency to conduct the said training requests.
How much is the training?
It is free however the requesting party (if wish to conduct the training face to face) will have to accommodate the food and venue as well as the materials needed during the activity. For virtual setup (in this pandemic), make sure that participants have a stable internet connection or if they are in one place, they need to follow a proper social distancing.
Can I avail free training?
Where can I get/request for Weather Data to be used as attachement for other legal purposes (e.g construction extension/city planning).
You may request from DOST-PAGASA Iloilo RONALDO C. NARAGDAO Iloilo PAGASAA Radar Station WVARC Compound Brgy. Buntatala, Jaro Iloilo City, Iloilo Tel No.: 321-64-20 Email: [email protected]
Where can I get Weather Data for monitoring/ initial data study purposes?
Westen Visayas has hydrometeorological stations installed all over the region that can provide weather data such as Rainfall, Water Level, Temperature, Air Pressure, etc. You may visit https://philsensors.asti.dost.gov.ph/ for data gathering of real-time or historical data. You may also visit Bantay Panahon's Website at https://bantaypanahon.dost6.info/ for real-time monitoring of hydrometeorological data and other weather related data sources.
What is Bantay Panahon?
Bantay Panahon is a weather monitoring web-app developed by the DOST VI to provide real-time monitoring of hydrometeorological stations' data installed in the Visayas and other weather related resources such as Himawari Satellite Imagery and Philippine Doppler Data Imagery. It can be accessed thru https://bantaypanahon.dost6.info/.
Our City/Municipality has a hydrometeorological station installed in our vicinity and is not working, what can we do?
You may contact our office so that we can schedule an off-site/on-site checking of your station. Our office can also schedule a repair/maintenance if necessary. We have trained staffs assigned in the region that are closely working together with DOST-PAGASA. Tel No.: 320-0907 Email: [email protected]
Does are city/municipality have a hydrometeorological stations installed? Where can I check for this?
You may visit either https://philsensors.asti.dost.gov.ph/ or https://bantaypanahon.dost6.info/devices/more/map and check the map.
How can our city/mucipality avail for these hydrometereological stations?
Your LGU can purchase these stations from DOST-ASTI. You can directly contact our office for futher instructions.


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(033) 320 0908

