Department of Science and Technology Region VI

Customer Satisfaction Feedback (CSF) Survey

How satisfied are you with our service?

Please take a few moments to complete this satisfaction form

Personal Details

The Citizen's Charter is an official document that reflects the services of a government agency/office including its requirements, fees and processing times among others.

Select your answer to the Citizen's Charter (CC) questions.

5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neither Agree or Disagree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

How would you rate the quality of our service?


ON-SITE. SQD for On-site Transactions

I am satisfied with the service that I availed
I spent a reasonable amount of time for my transaction
The office followed the transaction's requirements and steps based on the information provided
The steps(including payment) I needed to do for my transaction were easy and simple
I easily found information about my transaction from the office or its website
I paid a reasonable amount of fees for my transaction (If service was free, mark the NA column)
I feel the office was fair to everyone or "walang palakasan", during my transaction
I was treated courteously by the staff, and (if asked for help) the staff was helpful
I got what I needed from the government office, or (if denied) denial of request was sufficiently explained to me

ONLINE. SQD for Online Transactions Only

I am confident my online transaction was secure
The office's online support was available, and(if asked questions) online support was quick to respond

We want to improve our service for you! Let us know what you think.

Feel free to write your comments, complaints, or suggestions below. Thank you!